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Our Beliefs

Statement of Faith


The Bible is, in its entirety, the inspired Word of God and the only infallible rule for faith and practice. It is spiritual food for growth in faith, love, knowledge, and holiness and is the source of wisdom and instruction to which we are obliged to submit.



There is one God, eternal and self-existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is the all-powerful creator, the sovereign ruler and sustainer, the loving and gracious savior, and the holy and righteous judge. Each person of the Trinity is to be equally loved, honored, and adored. 



All mankind, being made in God's image, possess immeasurable dignity. Since sin entered the world, all are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God’s displeasure. 


Jesus Christ 

Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death and resurrection atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him alone for salvation. 



Based upon his sovereign choice, God, in his mercy, saves sinners from every nation. His choice does not depend on any human individual merit or foreseen faith but rather on his unfathomable love. Those to whom the Holy Spirit gives life are then graciously forgiven of their sins, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and are certain to persevere to the end. The goal of God's salvation in the life of the Christian is holiness, good works, and service for the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 


Baptism and the Church 

God is gracious and faithful to His people not simply as individuals but as families in successive generations according to His covenant promises. Baptism is a sign of God's covenant and is properly administered to children of believers in their infancy as well as to those who come to trust in Christ later in life. The visible church is made up of baptized believers and their children. 


Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit regenerates and transforms hearts, convicts of sin, and applies the benefits of Christ's saving work. He indwells God’s people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him. 


Last Things 

At death, the Christian’s soul passes immediately into the presence of God, and the unbeliever’s soul is eternally separated from God unto condemnation. At the end of time Jesus Christ will return to earth, visibly and bodily, to consummate history and the eternal plan of God. He will judge all mankind, receive His people unto Himself, and dwell with them for eternity in the new creation. 


We subscribe to the following confessional standards, all of which are subordinate to the

sole authority of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments:


The Westminster Standards

The Westminster Confession of Faith

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

The Westminster Larger Catechism


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